a12 (myanmar) co.,ltd

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How We Work

1.  Please Call : +959 5007967 , 421155243 , 441010275.
2.  Our team will work with you to select item for your specific needs.

3.  Our team will take detailed measurements and confirm the costs.

4.  Your project will be completed and your satisfaction ensured.

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Contact Us

Work Shop Office: No.(1411/1412), Latha Street,
Industrial Zone ( 2 ), (63) Quarter,
South Dagon Township, Yangon Myanmar.
Mobile: +959 5007967 , 441010275 , 421155243
+959 421539405 , 421539408
Email: a12myanmaradm@gmail.com

Mailing Office: No (12), 2nd Floor, Arthawaddy Street,
Ahlone Township, Yangon Myanmar.

Mobile: +959 751997790
Email: htunsein2012@gmail.com

Contact Information

No.1411/1412, Latha Street, Industrial Zone(2), (63)Quater,
South Dagon Township, Yangon. Myanmar.

+95 9 500 7967, 421 155 243

htunsein2012@gmail.com, a12myanmaradm@gmail.com